1. Please check the schedule to know the date and time of your presentation. The details will be posted shortly in the website and also will be provided in your conference kit.
2. Each presenter will be given a total of 15 minutes which includes 12 minutes of presentation by the author followed by 3 minutes of Q & A session.
3. Power point slides should be used in conjunction with the presentation.
4. The presenting author should have registered for the conference and be available at the time scheduled for oral paper presentations in the conference.
5. Please submit your presentations on or before 10th October 2022 in a Google folder, the link for which will be emailed to all presenters. Kindly name your file with the following information (Date of Presentation_Title of Presentation_Author's Name).
Example (13 Oct 22_XXXXXXX_ZZZZZ)
6. Ensure that you check your PPT for hyperlinks, animations, graphics, sounds & videos at the preview room 30 minutes prior to the allotted session time.
7. Here are a few tips to help you prepare the PPT:
- Font size: minimum 24 points, preferably 26.
- Limit the number of lines of text used per slide – easier for viewers.
- Colour scheme: keep it simple, avoid using patterns in the background for better visibility.
1. Please check the schedule to know the date and time of your presentation. The details will be posted shortly in the website of EMPOWER 2022 and also will be provided in your conference kit.
2. The presenting author/s should have registered for the conference and be available at the time scheduled for presentations in the conference.
3. The poster board provided will be 4ft (Height/Length) x 4 ft (Width/breadth) size. See to it that your printed posters are suitable for this size.
4. There is no provision to use laptop or any other electronic aid/s for poster presentation.
5. The code of your paper as given in the programme schedule will be displayed on the board for your reference.
6. Do not mail your poster to the scientific pr program committee.
7. Please bring all stationaries that may be required to fix the poster on the board. For example, double sided sticker, big size paper clip, drawing pins, ball pins etc. These will not be available at the conference.
8. Here are a few tips to help you prepare the poster:
- You may use a simple template (e.g. Overleaf).
- Font should be readable from 2.5 feet distance.
- Limit the texts – easier for viewers.
- Colour scheme: keep it simple, avoid using patterns in the background for better visibility.
Conference accepts extended abstracts based on both original work as well as previously published work. Extended abstracts should be limited to a maximum of 1000 words and two printed pages including figures, references etc. In case of original work, extended abstract would be reviewed and based on the review outcome, it could be accepted under full paper, short paper or poster paper category and the authors would have to submit a suitable manuscript addressing the concerns of the reviewers.
In case extended abstract is based on an already published work, then the same should be explicitly mentioned in the submitted extended abstract. Based on the review, such extended abstracts may be included for presentation in the conference.
A paper development workshop will be conducted by senior researchers in the area of assistive technologies for the authors of accepted extended abstracts. More details will be provided along with the notification of acceptance to such authors.
EMPOWER 2022 is open to all areas that can assist in the integration of people with special needs in the society. The areas include but are not limited to education, mobility and transport, health, communication and entertainment. Please submit your abstracts via EasyChair portal https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=empower2022.
The fifth EMPOWER 2022 conference is to be organized at the IIT Madras Research Park , Chennai from October 13 to 15, 2022. The first two editions of EMPOWER were organized in 2018 and 2019 at IIT-Delhi, Sonepat campus and the third EMPOWER 2020 and fourth EMPOWER 2021 were online conferences, organized by IIIT-Bangalore.
The EMPOWER conference is an annual technical event, organized with the objective of bringing together all stakeholders in the assistive technology sector, which includes researchers, user organizations, industries as well as policy makers. The Program Committee consists of members from the premier academic institutions, NGOs and technology incubators. The participants are engaged with the issues involved in creation, production and dissemination of assistive technology solutions. Using a mix of keynote talks, invited papers, posters, user forums, panel discussion and a product exhibition, EMPOWER provides opportunities for discussions around current solutions, and also seed ideas for research.
The conference will consist of the following tracks covering keynote talks, presentation of research and invited papers, posters, user and discussion forums, panel discussions and product demonstrations:
Keynotes: Talks by distinguished scholars in the area of AT
Plenary/Panel Discussions: Interactive discussions with an expert panel on the dais
Research Papers: (a) Papers accepted for oral presentation: peer reviewed, non-archived paper submission with talks of about 15 minutes duration; (b) Papers accepted for poster presentation: peer reviewed, non-archived poster presentation with talks of 5 minutes duration and poster display along with 10 minute short paper presentation
(a) Product Expo: Stalls for ongoing product display; (b) Experience Zone: for different stakeholders to see, touch, try and experience some of the ATs meant for them
Birds of a Feather/Discussion Forum (BoF/DF): Participant driven, informal, deep-dive discussion sessions during evening/snack time. Minutes/summary of these sessions to be presented on the final day of the conference after the morning keynote.
Workshop/Tutorial: Long instructional sessions by experts on relevant topics, e.g. creating inclusive educational/corporate spaces, designing accessible courses, contents and pedagogy etc.